N-Type Silicon

A type of silicon semiconductor with an excess of electrons, often used in high-efficiency solar cells like those integrated into Tesla Solar Roof tiles.

Net Metering

A billing mechanism that credits Tesla Solar Roof system owners for the electricity they add to the grid, offsetting their consumption from the grid.


A localized group of electricity sources, like solar roofs and batteries, that can operate independently from the traditional grid.

Maximum Power Point Tracking

A technology used in inverters to optimize the power output from the Tesla Solar Roof tiles by continuously adjusting the electrical operating point.


The amount of electrical power required by a home or building at any given time.

Levelized Cost of Energy

The average cost per unit of electricity generated by the Tesla Solar Roof over its lifetime, including all costs associated with its installation and operation.


A unit of energy equal to one kilowatt of power used for one hour, used to measure electricity consumption and solar energy production.


A unit of power equal to 1,000 watts, commonly used to measure the capacity of solar systems.

Junction Box

An enclosure containing electrical connections for Tesla Solar Roof tiles, usually located at the edge of the roof or within the structure of the building.


A device that converts DC electricity from Tesla Solar Roof tiles into AC electricity for home use.